Webinar: The One IDE for all Your Needs

Komodo has long been the ideal IDE for team development environments, in any industry and for any team size, platform, or language. We recently released [Komodo 9.3](http://komodoide.com/blog/komodo-9-3-released-yours-forever/), packed with tons of great new features! In addition to increasing developer productivity by providing faster navigation of the documentation for the codeintel-supported languages, shortcuts to quickly test bits of code, and it now better displays error messages for in-line syntax checking, we also included support for the latest versions of PHP and Python.

With the new release, we thought it would be an ideal time to do a webinar providing an [overview of Komodo!](https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/544996398268310018?source=blog) The topics discussed will not be limited to version 9.3 and will give you a great introduction to Komodo, helping you get the most out of your development time.

Join Komodo developers Nathan Rijksen and Carey Hoffman as they showcase some of the following topics:

– Running & Debugging Code
– Customizability
– Cross-Platform Capabilities
– Team Collaboration Features
– And more…

Join us next week, on November 19th, and find out how you can get the most out of Komodo!

Updated: The Webinar is now over, you can [find it here](http://komodoide.com/blog/komodo-webinar-questions/).

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