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Eliminate Malware
How to Eliminate the Threat of Malware
Eliminating malware from the software supply chain means building dependencies from source code. Learn how to do it cost effectively.
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Buyers Guide: Securing Your Software Supply Chain
Unravel the complexities of supply chain security with our in-depth whitepaper, meticulously crafted to empower your software development journey.
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Buyers Guide: Securing Your Software Supply Chain Part 1: Import Tools
Unravel the complexities of supply chain security with our in-depth whitepaper, meticulously crafted to empower your software development journey.
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Buyers Guide: Securing Your Software Supply Chain Part 2: Build Tools
Unravel the complexities of supply chain security with our in-depth whitepaper, meticulously crafted to empower your software development journey.
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How Secure is your Python?
How Secure Should Your Python Supply Chain Be?
The security risk appetite for a project evolves over time. Learn how ActiveState's tiered approach reduces risk as requirements evolve. 
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Webinar - Breaking Cybersecurity Bad Habits
Breaking Cybersecurity Bad Habits: A DevOps Perspective
With SEC and new US litigation risks, it’s time to kick cybersecurity bad habits. Get a DevOps leader’s perspective on using open source in an ...
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Vulnerabilities by Owner
It’s Zero Day! Do You Know Where Your Vulnerabilities Are?
Ransomware attacks are increasingly being launched from malware originating in open source ecosystems. Learn what you can do about it.
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Druva’s Journey to Seamless Secure Software Development with ActiveState
Druva enables cyber, data, and operational resilience with the Data Resiliency Cloud, a fully managed, 100% SaaS platform that protects customers’ data wherever it lives. ...
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Best Practices: Building Dependencies From Source Code Without The Pain
Building open source dependencies from source code is painful, but it's the only way to ensure security. Learn how to automate the process.
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Best Practices: How To Update Your Codebase Without Breaking The Build
Most organizations never update their codebase for fear of breaking the build. Here's how to manage the risk and minimize the cost.
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Best Practices: How to Secure Your Codebase
The best way to avoid remediating vulnerabilities is to start with a non-vulnerable codebase. Learn the best practices to starting secure.
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Cybersecurity Resolutions for 2024
2024 New Year’s Cybersecurity Resolutions
The US government has begun prosecuting software vendors with lax cybersecurity controls. Learn how to conquer your bad security habits.
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