ActiveState Platform Integrations

Seamless integration with enterprise tools

Popular coding tools
Popular coding tools from IDEs like Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code to source version control systems like GitHub/GitLab to data science platforms like Cloudera – all can be integrated with the ActiveState platform to automatically sync runtimes across branches, making your coders more productive, while ensuring the software created is secure from line 1.
DevOps platforms
DevOps platforms including the most commonly used CI/CD services, as well as Kubernetes-based cloud platforms are supported out-of-the-box, ensuring your DevOps teams can continue to work with the tools they know while reducing workloads by automatically discovering open source in K8s clusters and automating many of the tasks to manage them.

Open source repositories
Open source repositories including binary artifact repositories like JFrog Artifactory and Sonatype Nexus as well as public repositories like the Python Package Index (PyPI) can be integrated with the ActiveState platform to ensure the open source software your teams publish and consume are secure.
Connect popular tools and apps
ActiveState’s list of resources we integrate with keeps growing. The following is a sampling of the kinds of tools, resources, and applications that you can take advantage of to decrease tool fatigue.

JFrog Artifactory
Automatically populate Artifactory with ActiveState’s up-to-date, securely-built open source artifacts eliminating the need to investigate x-ray alerts.

Sonatype Nexus
Improve your security posture by importing ActiveState open source software built from vetted source code rather than unsecure artifacts from public repositories.

Automatically discover, monitor, and remediate all open source software deployed in Kubernetes clusters with a single solution.

Ensure the Machine Learning/AI applications you build in the Cloudera Machine Learning (CML) environment start secure and remain secure.

CI/CD Pipelines
ActiveState’s secure, prebuilt runtime environments reduce alerts and speed up runs no matter which CI/CD platform you use.

Sync your Git repo with ActiveState to ensure your project is based on a secure open source runtime environment.

As a Python Trusted Publisher, ActiveState ensures your open source Python projects are built securely so it won’t harm the community.

Automatically pull ActiveState runtime environments into your VS Code, PyCharm, and Eclipse projects so you can start coding securely.