ActiveState Revolutionizes Developer User Experience with Komodo IDE 8.0

VANCOUVER, British Columbia – March 7, 2013 – ActiveState®, whose software enables developers and enterprises to innovate from code to cloud, today announced the release of Komodo IDE 8, the next major version of the renowned multi-language integrated development environment.

Komodo IDE 8 introduces a sleek new user interface that adapts to each user’s programming style and is optimized for each platform, whether OS X, Windows or Linux. Additionally, each workspace component featured in Komodo’s integrated environment can now be undocked and moved freely, giving users maximum flexibility in their workflow.

“With Komodo 8, we wanted to create the best user experience possible,” says Todd Whiteman, Komodo Development Lead at ActiveState. “Developers are asking for more control over their workspace, and we’re proud to say we delivered that and more.”

The new release contains a number of upgrades that speed up the development process. Commonly used code snippets are now automatically inserted to save users time. In addition, all of the user’s open files are organized in a side pane and sorted by language, which greatly enhances file management.

Komodo IDE 8 also adds support for Laravel Blade, a powerful PHP framework, and Sass, an extension of CSS3. “These additions reflect our commitment to the rapid changes in the development world,” notes Jeff Hobbs, ActiveState CTO and VP of Engineering. “Komodo IDE is trusted for a wide variety of applications, from scientific programming in Python to dynamic web pages in PHP and CSS. Komodo’s design evolution has always been about embracing change, and we look forward to many more years of honoring that philosophy.”

Notable New Features in Komodo IDE 8:

  • New User Interface: Clean, lean and platform-optimized.
  • Floating Side Panes: Undock and move panes anywhere on screen.
  • Minimap: Reposition the editor to any section of code from a high-level view.
  • Open Files Side Pane: Organize all open files by language.
  • Retina Display Support for Mac OS X

For more information and a free trial download, visit our website.

About ActiveState 
ActiveState empowers innovation from code to cloud smarter, safer, and faster. ActiveState’s cutting-edge solutions give developers and enterprises the power and flexibility to develop in Java, Ruby, Python, Perl, Node.js, PHP, Tcl, and more. Stackato is ActiveState’s groundbreaking enterprise private Platform as a Service (PaaS), and is the cost-effective, secure, and portable way to develop and deploy apps to the cloud. ActiveState is proven for the enterprise: More than two million developers and 97% of Fortune-1000 companies use ActiveState’s end-to-end solutions to develop, distribute, and manage their software applications. Global customers like Cisco, CA, HP, Bank of America, Siemens, and Lockheed Martin look to ActiveState to save time, save money, minimize risk, ensure compliance, and reduce time to market.

Contact Information
Joe Ferrary
HORN on behalf of ActiveState
646 202-9785 

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