Beyond End of Life Support

ActiveState offers end-of-life support for older programming language versions, ensuring continued security patches, bug fixes, and assistance, even after official support ends. This helps maintain stability and security for legacy systems, allowing developers to focus on their work without worrying about outdated language versions.

Python EoL

We extend Python end-of-life (EOL) support, offering continued updates, security patches, and assistance beyond official EOL, ensuring stability and security for legacy Python versions.

Perl EoL

We extend Perl end-of-life (EOL) support, offering continued updates, security patches, and assistance beyond official EOL, ensuring stability and security for legacy Perl versions.

Request EoL Support

Need specific language version end-of-life (EOL) support? We offer tailored updates, security patches, and assistance for requested language versions, ensuring personalized maintenance for your preferred language versions.

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