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The Rise of Software Supply Chain Attacks

The ActiveState Podcast | Episode 1 | The Rise of Software Supply Chain Attacks In this premiere episode of the ActiveState Podcast, hosts Pete Garcin ...
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shell scope
Komodo – Commando Shell Scope
An introduction to the shell scope in Komodo 9.1, allowing you to easily run shell commands from Commando.
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package manager komodo
Komodo – Package Manager Integration
Easily manage your project dependencies right from Komodo, using nothing but your keyboard. Commando will allow you to search for available and installed packages, and ...
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custom workspaces
Komodo – Custom Workspaces
An introduction to the new custom workspaces found in Komodo IDE 9.1.
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markdown viewer
Komodo – Markdown Viewer
A quick demo of what the Markdown viewer does.
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komodo track change
Komodo – Introducing Track Changes
Introducing Track Changes. Don't get stuck in the Undo-Dance. Use Track Changes to revert changes from any point in your changes history. Watch this video ...
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komodo go to anything
Komodo – Commando Go To Anything
A quick introduction into one of Komodo IDE 9's new features - Commando, or Go To Anything.
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auto abbrev komodo
Komodo – Auto Abbreviations (Snippets)
Auto-Abbreviations increase your productivity by working with you to write code faster. You define your snippets and their trigger and continue to write your code ...
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komodo vi mode
Komodo – Vi Mode
Vi mode in Komodo allows you to use some Vi magic right from inside Komodo. This screencasts explains the basics of this functionality and hopefully ...
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customizable panes komodo
Komodo – Customizable Panes
Panes, widgets and how you can customize them to your own personal preference. With Komodo 8 we spend a lot of time working on panes ...
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open file widgets
Komodo – Open File Widgets
Open Files are a great new feature in Komodo 8.5. They were already introduced in 8.0 but have received some significant updates since then. This ...
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komodo refactoring
Komodo – Code Refactoring
A great new feature we've added to Komodo 8.5 is code refactoring. You can rename elements without using a Find & Replace dialogue. For example, ...
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komodo projects bread crumbs
Komodo – Breadcrumbs
We've added a new widget to the Komodo statusbar called Breadcrumbs. Clicking on the file entry, you can access any of its parent items, which ...
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