Eliminate Struggles with Adding a Language

Webinar: Eliminate Struggles with Adding a Language

Eliminate Struggles with Adding a Language

This on-demand webinar presents lessons learned and best practices for adding programming languages within an enterprise.

ActiveState’s 2018 Developer Survey found that 67% of developers wouldn’t add a language because of the associated challenges.

And companies struggle with adding a new programming language because of the required sourcing of skill sets along with evolving their development, testing and deployment environments with the tools needed for the new language. Yet new languages present benefit for innovation, improvements and enhancements.

In this webinar you’ll hear from expert panelists from GSI Technology, Manulife and ActiveState on:

  • lessons learned & best practices
  • tips on how to streamline the adding of a language
  • how to convert a Java shop to Python

Download the slides (PDF) here


Francois Oullet, Director Development Practice, Manulife

Francois is a computer scientist interested in software development practices and project team efficiency. At Manulife, he leads the implementation of software development practices within the Canadian Division. He also led the implementation of DevOps for the Canadian Division. He’s spent the last 23 years in financial and workforce management in roles spanning developer to solution architect to director. He likes to spend time considering: “How can we make sure our project teams spend maximum time on value generating activities?”

George Williams, Director of Computing & Data Science, GSI Technology

George is Director of Computing & Data Science for an embedded hardware and artificial intelligence company. He’s held senior leadership roles in software, data science, and research, including tenures at Apple’s New Product Architecture group and at New York University’s Courant Institute. He can talk on a broad range of topics at the intersection of e-commerce, machine learning, software development, and cloud security. He is an author on several research papers in computer vision and deep learning, published at NIPS, CVPR, ICASSP, and SIGGRAPH.

Dana Crane, Product Marketing Manager, ActiveState

Responsible for the go to market function at ActiveState, Dana has 20+ years of experience crossing (and falling into) the chasm, as well as capitalizing on (and being disrupted by) innovation.

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