Download Python – Data Science

Download Python For Data & Science

Download ActivePython by creating your account and get started right away. With your free Python download, you also gain access to the beta version of ActiveState’s Platform!

The Platform lets you automatically resolve dependencies while building the latest versions of Python packages from source (including linked C libraries packages). So you can always update the Python installation for your project without conflicts.

By downloading ActivePython Community Edition, you agree to comply with the terms of use of the ActiveState Community License. Need help? Please refer to our documentation.
Data science python packages getting built

Why ActivePython for data science?

Because with ActivePython, you’ll be able to spend more time on data science tasks, and less time on system configuration.
pick the data science packages you need
Pre-bundled with the data science packages you need


ActivePython comes bundled with most of the popular data science Python packages like SeaBorn, NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Jupyter and Scikit-Learn.


Get started on your data science or machine learning project quicker than pip installing all the packages you need.

Speed Up Your Algorithms With The Intel® Math Kernel Library


We know that computation time is important so we’ve integrated the Intel Math Kernel Library (MKL) into ActivePython to speed up all your data science and machine learning processing tasks.

You get faster computations and better performance for all your data science projects running on Intel hardware.

python intel library for data science
enterprise python for data science
The #1 Python Solution Used By Innovative Teams


Open source distributions of Python and third-party packages don’t always meet the support, security, or compliance requirements of large organizations. This is why organizations choose ActivePython for their big data processing and statistical analysis needs.

We also offer licensing options beyond development use. If you’re looking for commercial Python support, compare pricing options in detail.

Python becomes less secure and more costly to maintain over time. Learn how ActiveState can help.

Please provide your information, and our Sales Team will be in touch shortly. Students and developers can sign up for a free account instead.

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