Webinar: The Python 2 Time Bomb – Securing Your Python Supply Chain

Python 2 Timebomb Webinar Watch Now

Webinar: The Python 2 Time Bomb – Securing Python 2 Risk In Your Software Supply Chain

Python 2 poses a hidden but increasing security risk even two years after End of Life in non-production environments due to the dramatic rise in software supply chain attacks. It’s no longer a matter of IF you’ll get hacked, but when.

Learn how your organization can significantly reduce your Python 2 overhead while continuing to drive business value.

Whether you’re still struggling with Python 2, aren’t sure of your options, or just interested in the security implications of EOL open source software, this on-demand webinar covers:

  • Known Python 2 vulnerabilities impacting your supply chain security 
  • The hidden Python 2 risk in your  organization
  • The business case for managing Python 2 on your own vs. outsourcing
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Webinar Presenters:

Dana Crane, Product Marketing Manager at ActiveState

With 25+ years in the software industry, Dana has both crossed and fallen into the chasm as a Product Marketer and Product Manager. When not playing basketball or writing blogs, his time is split between making products easier to use and easier to understand.

Jeff Rouse, Senior Product Strategist

Jeff is passionate about innovation, entrepreneurship, and building great products. He oversees ActiveState’s product strategy and has spent over 26 years in tech at companies ranging from startups to publicly traded companies and in roles from team lead to Project Manager to VP Development & Services. His experience includes managing the successful integration of two merged companies to replacing a founding CTO and stabilizing and growing a company. Jeff earned his degree in Computer Science from the University of Calgary.

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