ActiveState Acquires Perl Cloud Company Phenona

We’re pleased to announce that we’ve acquired Phenona, a Perl PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) cloud company based in Seattle, WA.
Phenona is the brain child of 15-year-old Daniil Kulchenko, who created Phenona when he couldn’t find a Perl PaaS for the contract work he was doing. He thought that there should be an easy way to get Perl apps on the cloud, and we agree!
The Phenona technology, knowledge, and talent will extend our cloud strategy while helping us accelerate our development in the fast-paced cloud market. Phenona’s use of open source components, portability, security and multi-tenancy model all fit closely with our cloud strategy and we will leverage Phenona’s stack, which includes Perl modules, MySQL, Redis, and Mojolicious, into the ActiveState cloud product roadmap.
You can find the official Phenona acquisition press release here.
Those who had been beta testing Phenona will be invited to participate in the Developer Preview of Stackato, our enterprise cloud platform for Perl and Python. You too can apply to the Developer Preview of Stackato to get started getting your Perl and Python apps to the cloud.
As we have indicated – and to no surprise – the cloud market is moving really fast. We are super excited as to the depth and breadth of innovation that is happening across many different companies, and Phenona is a prime example.

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