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Supporting Open Source Developers

We’re happy to provide free Enterprise features to your OSS Project!
If you want to use the ActiveState platform to securely build your Open Source Project’s dependencies we will be happy to provide you with the features available to our enterprise accounts and unlimited runtimes, for free.
To submit for eligibility: community@activestate.com
To submit for licensing terms: sales@activestate.com
ActiveState will consider an open-source project to be an “Eligible Open-Source Project” if ActiveState determines, in its absolute discretion that the project meets the following criteria:
- The open-source project should be freely available to the general public i.e. should be in a public repository and developed in public.
- The use of the Service by the open-source project must always be flagged “public” on the ActiveState Platform. No custom distributions, projects, and or content used or made by the open-source project on the ActiveState Platform can be flagged “Private”. “Private” use of the ActiveState Platform is only available for paid accounts.
- The open-source project must be comprised fully of components that are publicly available free-of-charge and are licensed under the approved open-source licenses listed on the Open-Source Initiative’s website, including those listed at Licenses. Excluding dependencies on Operating System, any components cannot have dependencies on closed sourced or commercially licensed components.
- The use of the Service by the participants of an open-source project is free as long as it is being used directly by and for the open-source project it was created for. Further, a participant of such open-source project can use and distribute the custom distribution generated by the Service, for any purpose as long as the open-source project continues to support it for that project. The participants must agree not to use the Service for free for other projects, including open-source projects that are not Eligible Open-Source Projects.
- If the Eligible Open-Source Project has a commercial version, the cost-free distribution(s) created using the Service pursuant to the ActiveState Open-Source Distribution License Agreement cannot be off