Chrome Debugging in Komodo X, Code and Debug in One Place

Chrome Debugging in Komodo X, Code and Debug in One Place

Let me set the stage: You are a web developer. You spend many hours a week
writing javascript, running javascript and debugging javascript. You’re very adept
at it, you write your code, fire up a web server and point Chrome at it. Then
you use Chrome’s powerful web developer tools to inspect and debug your code.
Sound familiar? I’m sure it does. It’s something web developers have gotten so
used to that it’s become second nature. Something you don’t question or second-guess.
But maybe you should? Maybe this workflow only works so well because you’ve been
doing it for so long the annoyances have become part of the featureset. Honestly,
they had for me. It’s not until I really thought about it that it occurred to me:
Why am I writing my code in one place, and then switching to my browser to find
that exact same code again in order to debug it? I already have all my code in
one place, I shouldn’t have to find it again elsewhere. This is the biggest problem
our Chrome Debugging feature solves: You write your code and you debug it all in
one place.
So let me set the stage again: You are a web developer. You enjoy being efficient
and productive at what you do. When you develop your web apps you let Komodo
do the heavy lifting while your browser does the browsing. Each tool does what
it was designed to do and is a valuable part of your toolkit. You write your code,
place your breakpoints then invoke your web app to test some new feature. Komodo
tells you exactly what is happening with your new feature. Found a bug? Fix it
right then and there in your IDE. This is what Chrome Debugging in Komodo X does.
As they say though, a picture is worth a thousand words. So imagine how many words
a video is worth. Let me guide you through it…

This feature is available today and can be used with the 21-day fully featured
trial of Komodo X.
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Title photo courtesy of Deepanker Verma on Pexels.

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