Celebrating 22 Builds of Komodo by the LA Zoo

Last Thursday the LA Zoo & Botanical Gardens tweeted that they’d successfully hatched 22 Komodo dragons. That’s awesome! Congratulations to the Zoo staff on their efforts. In celebration, we’ll donate 20% of all Komodo IDE sales for Tuesday, Aug 31st to the LA Zoo.
Update September 1/10:  Thanks to everyone who purchased a copy of Komodo IDE yesterday! 20% of our online Komodo sales was donated to the Zoo. If you’d like to contribute you can donate to them online. They’ve also posted a video of the hatchlings in action. Adorable!

Name a dragon

Given the techie audience for Komodo and the ActiveState blog, we thought that (for fun) we could come up with a list of good dragon names for those 22 cuties. Do you have any fond memories of dragons from your Fantasy genre reading? Smaug? Others? Please suggest a LA Zoo Komodo dragon baby in the comment section below.

ActiveState babies

Incidentally, here at ActiveState we’ve hatched 56 Komodo releases over the years (along with countless nightly builds). Here is a feature from 22 recent Komodo IDE hatchlings:

Version Feature
Komodo 6.0.0b3 Invoke Tool dialog, Performance
Komodo 6.0.0b2 HTML 5/CSS 3 autocomplete
Komodo 6.0.0b1 Python 3 autocomplete support
Komodo 6.0.0a2 Places sidebar, Publishing
Komodo 6.0.0a1 Database Explorer, Multi-language Rx
Komodo 5.2.2 PHP namespace autocomplete handling
Komodo 5.2.1 Multi-language syntax coloring fixes, Git integration improvements
Komodo 5.2.0 PHP 5.3 support, Ruby 1.9.1 debugging support
Komodo 5.2.0b1 Source Code Control history searching
Komodo 5.2.0a1 HTML “View Source” in Komodo
Komodo 5.1.4 Find in Files improvements
Komodo 5.1.3 “Fast Open” improvements, Vi emulation improvements
Komodo 5.1.0 “Fast Open” dialog
Komodo 5.1.0b1 Hyperlinks
Komodo 5.1.0a2 Find highlighting
Komodo 5.1.0a1 Editor History
Komodo 5.0.3 Komodo Add-ons improvements
Komodo 5.0.2 Rx improvements, mixed end-of-line character checking
Komodo 5.0.0 Git support
Komodo 5.0.0b1 Code Formatting system
Komodo 5.0.0a3 Multi-window support, Workspace save/restore
Komodo 5.0.0a2 Mercurial and Bazaar support

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