Print to the Komodo Output Tab

Print to the Komodo Output Tab

Macro Monday – a new macro to dig into every Monday!

I came across a macro that Eric Promislow had written a few years ago that seemed pretty interesting, How do you write to the Command Output Window?
Its a bit out dated since Mark Yen added customizable tab layouts but that was an easy fix. All tabs are now their own widgets so to access their attributes you have to retrieve the widget first. That’s basically the only change I had to make to Eric’s version.
I also added some commented code you’ll notice. There are a few ways this macro could be useful but the most useful would be to be used by other macros that have output. As it stands, you would set this macro up to run at Komodo startup. That would add the new function to the live code base and allow you to use it by callig it from other macros that may want to print to the output pane.
You could also run it manually and have it ask you for input. I don’t know
why you would do this but I’m not you and you’re great so you can do whatever you want. You would uncomment lines 16 through 18 and line 49. Hopefully those line numbers are still relevant when you’re reading this 😉


To install the macro simply hit the “View Resource” and “Install Instructions” links below.

Install Instructions

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Title photo courtesy of Steve Buissinne on Pixabay.

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