8 Reasons to be Thankful for Python

8 Reasons to be Thankful for Python

We’re very excited about the work we’re doing with Python these days here at ActiveState. It’s been a great year for both Patriots & Python fans, so I though before I shut down my computer to turn my focus to football and turkey, I wanted to reflect on why I am so thankful for Python.

  1. I’m grateful for the wonderful community of developers supporting and contributing to the care and feeding of the language I use on a daily basis.
  2. From the House of Guido’s Google App Engine to my latest favorite module on PyPM Index, theano from the University of Montreal’s LISA group, I’m thankful for all the new tools in my box.
  3. It’s so quick and fun to prototype something in Python (compared to C#, Java, C++).
  4. Python has helped me successfully move my prototypes into production without so much as a hiccup!
  5. I’m constantly amazed & thankful for the depth and breadth of the 3rd party packages to use in my projects, that I look up in our PyPM Index – great for getting info on Python packages.
  6. I’m grateful for all the effort that went into making Python 3 a reality and that we’ve gotten our ActivePython 3 distribution out the door!
  7. The Python licenses and IP, including licenses for all 3rd party packages, are managed by the Python Software Foundation (PSF), rather than in the hands of the Oracle/Sun conundrum.
  8. I’m thankful I’m not using a soon-to-be legacy language like Java!

So there you have it. What are you thankful for with this wonderful dynamic language called Python?
Happy Thanksgiving Pythonistas! Go Patriots!
Title image courtesy of Timothy Eberly on Unsplash.

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