Komodo 4.4 is out today! Komodo does amazing things, practically a kitchen sink of tools, but hopefully a whole lot more portable. There’s a number of improvements, but my favorite is the new SCC commit dialog and the Change list panel. We did a recent survey and found that 65% of visitors to ActiveState.com feel that having a single tool they can do most of their work in is either critical (20%) or very important (45%). I used to switch to a shell to handle multi file commits, now I can do it in Komodo, nice! I guess I fit somewhere in that 45%.
In other news, I’ll be participating in FOSSCoach at OSCON, very likely at the Utah Open Source Conference, and then AjaxWorld in San Jose. That reminds me I need to submit a talk for FSOSS. I recently returned from eLiberatica in Romania, possibly one of the better conferences I’ve been to in a while (not only because it was in Romania), but FSOSS is still a bit above (certainly less travel time). eLiberatica focused much more on the business side of Open Source, probably why I found it so interesting, I certainly learned some new things from a European perspective. And yes, we did visit Dracula’s castle.
Title photo courtesy of Taylor Wilcox on Unsplash.

How to evaluate your DevSecOps Maturity in 2025
Cybersecurity risks continue to increase every year, meaning the stakes have never been higher. It’s critical that software development organizations invest in the security of their apps and stop treating